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I know we have met before.

I was that girl who gave you advice on what to get everytime you went to that Ma' and Pa' pet shop in Venice, even though technically I never worked there. (I hate technicalities!) But anyway, you won’t be seeing me there anymore. Apparently, they want to let people they actually hired work a little.


Oh! That’s not where we met?


Maybe we shared the same court date! I was the girl who was able to talk herself out of a traffic ticket. Remember? I had no proof of what I was claiming, so I said: “But, your Honor, I’m under oath aren’t I?” he replied that I wasn’t, “Well then, I’d like to be under oath!” Thanks  “Drop Dead Diva!” The verbage I learned with your show saved me a ton of money and allowed me to continue taking my on-going classes at Lesly Kahn.


Still doesn’t ring a bell?

Then we probably met at a rally and spoke extensively about how people don’t actually know what Utopian Communism is (and don’t get me started on that again!).


Or did you try to buy pot off of me? Do I really give off that vibe?


Hum...I KNOW! Have you ever been to Brazil? Because I am from there, so maybe we crossed paths in one of your travels?


Well, then maybe we haven’t met yet. But that’s okay! I make friends easily, especially if you can laugh at a dirty joke and don’t mind a harmless pranks!




(said in a Canadian Accent: "Aboot" Me)

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